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Unveil Your Target Audience: FREE Dashboard to Decode Your Customer Data!

Data-Driven Decisions Made Easy: Our Dashboard Simplifies Complexity with Seamless Integration Using Your Existing Customer Data Files.

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1 / 4 — In this digital world, you never get to see or meet your customers. Their characteristics are invisible. Now, at least, you can learn more about them.
2 / 4 — We turn data generated from your customer database into graphs and charts that help you generate a comprehensive profile of your target audience.
3 / 4 — Demographic insights presented in clear and easily understandable format with details when you hover over each data column.
4 / 4 — All data is stored in the cloud for the highest levels of security and privacy.
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Insights through data

State of the art target analytics for businesses and advertising/marketing agencies

Using state-of-the-art software, we produce a comprehensive picture of your target audience marketing profile and display the information in an unparalleled array of graphic presentations. We provide you with over 38 charts and graphs to give you insight into something that has previously been invisible.

INspiration without perspiration

Detailed mapping insights to give inspiration into your marketing message

We pinpoint customers down to block level accuracy but not actual home location (for obvious privacy considerations). With mapping you can glean insights regarding the cities and neighborhoods your customers live in. You can view data by street map, satellite, terrain, even street view. Zoom in for as much detail as you desire. Income level is color coded, and hovering over a pin reveals more detail with a tooltip.

US Map
Amazing Mapping
Click on the Map to see it using sample data
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1 / 4 — Mapping is down to the block level. The visitors' income level is color coded giving you geographic insights.
2 / 4 — You can zoom in see more detailed information regarding a target neighborhood. We do not place the pin at the rooftop level for obvious privacy reasons.
3 / 4 — When you hover over a pin, it reveals demographic details for each pin. Click on the link "Amazing Mapping" for a sample map for a demonstration.
4 / 4 — Using Google Maps, you can use Street View to go to the street level in the neighborhood.
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1 / 4 — By uploading a randomized sample of your customer database, you will receive a comprehensive dashboard of your client data within a week.  
2 / 4 — The dashboard displays the captured demographics data in 34 easy-to-understand  charts and graphs.
3 / 4 — The mapping feature allow you to enlarge the map to full-screen with a single click. Hovering over a pin shows the record's income and net worth.
4 / 4 — With 500 records or more, we provide you with additional information. We can group your audience into 35 digital clusters for even more insight.  
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Your data in a dashboard

Data presented in an interactive dashboard

Once your data has been uploaded, compiled, and analyzed, your charts, graphs, and data are presented in an easy-to-understand interactive dashboard that allow you to dig deeper.

What's Needed to Get Started!

Step 1. Talk with a Specialist

We will give you a quick walk through of a sample dashboard and explain all of the different data metrics displayed in the dashboard.

Design Icon

Step 2. Upload Data File

We will assist you in determining the best way to export and share your customer file. All data is encrypted and stored in the cloud for security.

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Step 3. Gather Data

We gather the data for you so your clients' privacy is not compromised. Once we capture the demographic data, we delete any personally identifiable information and store the remaining data for display and analysis.

Launch Icon

Step 4. Analyze Reports

Our reports give you rich detail that goes way beyond a printed report. The dashboard gives you background details on each chart and what it means. If you'd like to see a sample dashboard, click here. We'll send you the credentials to view on your own.

Prototype Icon

Click Here to Get Started

We'll email you a link to get started with a quick demo and help you with your customer data file.  

GET started here

Want to Interact with a Sample Dashboard? We'll Email You a Link.

Click on the button below and we will send you a link with login credentials so you can see real data in the demographics dashboard. You can interact with the maps, charts, and psychographic profiles generated from actual data sets. You don't need to do anything other than to just log into the dashboard.

sample dashboard

Capabilities Comparison

Google Analytics

Low Traffic

Medium Traffic

High Traffic

Address Pollling Record Count
Demographic Charts and Graphs
Age and Gender
Income Level
Income Level by Gender
Income Level by Marital Status
Net Worth
Net Worth
Net Worth by Gender
Net Worth by Marital Status
Marital Status
Marital Status by Age
Marital Status by Gender
Presence of Children
Presence of Children by Gender
Presence of Children by Marital Status
Presence of Children by Marital Age
Home Ownership
Home Ownership by Gender
Home Ownership by Marital Status
Home Ownership by Age
Home Market Value
Home Market Value by Gender
Home Market Value by Gender
100 Locations
500 Locations
3,000 Locations
Mapping to Neighborhood Level
Mapping to Street View
Satellite View
Pin Detail with Income Level and Net Worth
Audience Digital Cluster Information
Cluster Data Records
100 Locations
500 Locations
3,000 Locations
Records Sorted into Digital Clusters
Charts Showing Record Count
Records with Cluster Detail
Pin Detail with Income Level and Net Worth

Security and Privacy

1 / 3 — All of the data that is collected and processed is stored in the cloud for the highest levels of security.
2 / 3 — We capture the demographic data without revealing the user's identity, exact location, or other personally identifiable information in the process.
3 / 3 — In the digital world, you never get to see or meet your potential clients. They are anonymous and invisible. We help keep them that way.
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Your Data is Protected

Clarity uses state of the art data systems to keep all information safe. All of the data that is collected and processed is stripped of any personally identifiable information and stored in the cloud using the highest levels of security. This protects your data information from hackers while giving you a dashboard that brings the data to life.

About Us

Passionate About Marketing

Clarity is a division of Modern Solution and  Modern Postcard. We've been in business over 30 years with over 350,000 customers nationwide. We work out of a 75,000 square foot building in Carlsbad, California mailing out millions of pieces of direct mail each year. Our reputation was founded on delivering products quickly, inexpensively, and with quality that is second to none.

Clarity is the latest service we offer that builds on our expertise in capturing and presenting data that helps our clients target their marketing dollars no matter the marketing medium they choose.